Skills and Salutations - Letters to Mum 💌
Primary 5/6 Situational Writing Workshop
✍🏻 Letter writing may be a lost art but not in your child's examinations and definitely not here at Writers' Guild!
💯 Did you know that almost half the marks are guaranteed in a Situational Writing paper just by ensuring all 6 content points are addressed, no matter how they are phrased? However... We believe that "good enough" is not good enough. Why stop at just okay when you can be EXCEPTIONAL?
🧪 In this 2-session Workshop, learn WG's special concoction to acing Situational Writing! Beyond greetings and how to sign off, the students will learn how to ensure they lock-in their scores by summarising their content impactfully and eloquently.
🤩 In this workshop, we will be doing not one but TWO letters! 📩 The students will get a chance to apply everything they have learnt in one INFORMAL LETTER and one FORMAL E-MAIL. In both types of letters, the teachers will meticulously go through the necessary points to be included as well as the expectations for the respective styles of writing before the students carry out the task. Furthermore, both letters will be carefully marked and returned to them for revision.
🎁 In the spirit of going beyond, in this workshop, the rewards are not just for the students!
Stand a chance to win a $50 Fraser voucher and treat our Wonder Women mummies when you hold onto the heart-warming Letters To Mum that your child will be writing in class. Share these heartening letters of gratitude on Facebook during WG's inaugural Mother's Day Letter-Writing Competition, and get as many people to LIKE and SHARE the letters! More details will be provided after the classes. 😉 The materials covered in the following sessions are the same. Only register for one of these classes: Location: Northpoint City
Course Fee for 2 sessions: $143.64 (after 5% Early Bird Discount* and inclusive of GST) ; $151.20 (inclusive of GST)
Class 1
Day 1: 14th Mar 2023 (Tue) Session 1: 12:30pm - 2:30pm Day 2: 16th Mar 2023 (Thu) Session 2: 12:30pm - 2.30pm
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Location: Punggol Cove Course Fee for 2 sessions: $133 (after 5% Early Bird Discount*) ; $140 Class 2 Day 1: 15th Mar 2023 (Wed) Session 1: 12:30pm - 2:30pm Day 2: 16th Mar 2023 (Thu) Session 2: 12:30pm - 2.30pm
Please read the terms and conditions carefully before registering via the links below: - The workshop is for both EXISTING and NEW students. - A minimum of 4 students is required to start a class. Please note that the maximum class size is 12 and registration is on a first come, first served basis. Hurry! Register to avoid disappointment! - Registration for the classes will end on 11th March 2023 or if the maximum class size is reached before 11th March 2023. - A confirmation email will be sent to you by 13th March 2022. - All materials will be printed and handed out in class. There is no need to collect the physical worksheets before the class. Your child does not need to complete any worksheet before the sessions and there will be no homework after the sessions. - LIKE our Facebook Page to receive timely updates on future classes and workshops! We hold complimentary classes periodically for EXISTING students as well. Sharing is caring; SHARE this post with another friend who has a child enrolled with us or wants to enroll with us! - Please note that an administrative fee of $20 will be levied if the student fails to turn up for registered classes without informing the centre at least one day in advance. If your child is sick, a medical certificate must be submitted. - Writers' Guild reserves the right to reject students, cancel classes or change the day, time and venue of the classes. *Early Bird Promotion: 5% discount will be applied to the course fee if you register before 9th March 2023!
Register only if you agree to the terms and conditions!
Registration Link: bit.ly/3KPwX0b